HACCP Certification

Industrial Hemp Products & Ingredients

Biosyyd HACCP Certification


Companies producing food have a strict responsibility. After all, consumers rely on our expertise and care during the production processes.

At Biosyyd we can proudly state that we have received the HACCP certificate proving our company’s management and production process hold up to the highest possible standards regarding food safety in compliance with the applicable requirements and conditions of the standard HACCP of the GMP+ FC scheme (based on GMP+ C6) of GMP+ International. The certificate covers the “Production and packaging of food supplements and ingredients (based on hemp oil, botanical plant and fruit extracts and oil mixtures) in glass, metal and plastic containers.”

Biosyyd has invested time and effort to be a role model for quality in the Industrial Hemp Industry.

HACCP What is it?

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is a systematic approach used in food safety management to identify, assess, and control hazards that may pose risks to the safety of food products. Here are the key points of HACCP certification divided into key categories:

  1. Hazard Analysis:

    • Identification of potential hazards in the production process

    • Evaluation of the severity and likelihood of each hazard

  2. Critical Control Points (CCPs):

    • Determination of critical control points where control measures can be applied to prevent, eliminate, or reduce hazards to an acceptable level

    • Establishment of critical limits for each CCP, which are the maximum and/or minimum values to ensure food safety

  3. Monitoring:

    • Continuous monitoring of CCPs to ensure they are within the critical limits

    • Use of monitoring procedures, such as temperature checks or visual inspections, to verify the effectiveness of control measures

  4. Corrective Actions:

    • Development of procedures to address deviations from critical limits or unexpected hazards

    • Implementation of corrective actions to bring CCPs back into control and prevent unsafe food from reaching consumers

  5. Verification:

    • Regular verification activities to confirm the effectiveness of the HACCP system

    • Validation of the HACCP plan through scientific evidence and studies

  6. Documentation and Record-Keeping:

    • Maintenance of detailed records documenting the HACCP system implementation, including hazard analysis, control measures, monitoring results, corrective actions, and verification activities

    • Documentation of training programs and qualifications of personnel involved in the HACCP system

  7. Review and Update:

    • Periodic review and reassessment of the HACCP plan to ensure its continued effectiveness

    • Updating the plan based on changes in ingredients, processes, or regulations

HACCP certification provides assurance to consumers and regulatory authorities that Biosyyd has implemented effective control measures to ensure the safety of its food products. By following the HACCP principles, we can identify and address potential hazards, resulting in safer food production and enhanced consumer confidence.